NSU TT: Hipster chic…


The NSU TT is one of those cars whose destiny is to be somehow hip.

We’re not sure how it happens, but take a classic three box format – add a utilitarian stripped-down simplicity finish with an EVO version that manages to be thwacked around a track with aplomb in its latter years and there you have it – a hipper than thou little motor whose designers and builders would never have guessed it would achieve such status.

The original builders of the NSU ‘Prinz’ mini was, naturally, entered into the fray with the Mini itself – and proved, despite a very slack, two cylinder, air-cooled motivated performance, to be a kind of European mirror image of swinging sixties cool. Never mind that it was named after the English version of an infection of the urinary tract.

Actually, that might be a bonus in hipster circles!